Category Archives: indiedance

now with puppies!!! (MPSU #29)

It’s been a little while since our last post.  Which says more about us being busy with other projects more than it does about our passion for mixes.  But we’re excited to be back and this time we’re bringing friends.  Above is the new, official MM!!! mascot.  She goes by the name of BUSY B.  Holler at us if you see us up in the club!

To be honest, we weren’t sure that we were gonna make it back online.  But y’all kept sending us love and dope as mixes in the ole email, so here we are with a fresh post, the first of the new year (we’re a little embarrassed about that).

Today’s mix pretty much typifies what MIXTAPEMIXTAPE is all about.  Music without boundaries.  LOVE with a capital L.  Rainbows and puppies.  You get the picture.  It’s from our man METSCHA, who hails from Portugal and craftily mixes together tracks by Domenico Scarlatti (yep, that Scarlatti), BEACH HOUSE and Isaac Hayes.  It’s on some wild shit.  Busy B approves.

LISTEN!!! – PIM mixed by METSCHA


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Filed under indiedance, mixes people sent us

we drink it up (MPSU #28)

Rain.  Yes.  Los Angeles.

If you’re from the East Coast or Europe or Cananda or some other locale where it rains preternaturally, I’m sorry.  You can punch me in the face if you want.  But here, in LA, rain is an event and something to be cherished.  That’s how it rolls when you live in a desert.  You want to dance in the stuff.  Drink it down.  Or write about it.

Anyways, we’re feeling blessed around here at MM!!! headquarters.  Not just for the rain but for those of you who refuse to let us die;  who refuse to let us tuck are tails between our legs and limp into the horizon.  It’s been almost three years since we started this blog, something which was the first of it’s kind back in the olden days of 2008.  Much has changed since then, we aren’t able to update as much and mixes are everywhere, which is awesome but also makes us lazy in what we do here at the blog.

But you guys keep checking us out, sending us mixes, sharing your art and a window into your world, and for that we feel eternally blessed.  Thank you.  Danke.  Merci beaucoup and gracias amigo.  It’s truly our pleasure.

Blending together everything right about TODAY IN LOS ANGELES, is Polish dj Luckmall’s Mozaika mix.  Described as a “fresh one hour travel through 24 tracks of ambitious electronica, chill and melodic dubstep” it is the perfect compliment for the raindrops dancing on your window, whether you are in LA or not.




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Filed under hiphopmusic, indiedance, mixes people sent us

Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?

One of KUBRICK’S FINEST FILMS and a personal favorite around here at MixtapeMixtape is 2001: A Space Odyssey.  Few films have married image and sound together in such an intricate and nuanced way as 2001 and even after repeated viewings some FORTY (forty!) YEARS LATER, we are still discovering new things to admire about this film.

And now, as if reading our minds, artist/blogger/photographer TIM JAMES has re-imagined the score to Kubrick’s masterpiece in an alternate universe shaped by Indie and Classic Rock.  Most would break under the pressure of innovating on such a classic film, but Mr. James stared into the abyss and defied it on this one.  You have taken something that we already loved and made it even more interesting…your place in heaven is reserved.

Go to THESUMMERMIXSERIES for more nice mixes…although we’d like to remind you that we were here first.  hugs and kisses, mixtapemixtape.



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Filed under indiedance, web trolling

cool leagues


Believer magazine. Never heard of it, to be honest. But they have great taste in music as evident in the CD compilation that accompanied their 2007 music issue.

OK, just GOOGLED “Believer magazine”. They are MCSWEENEY’S publication. Which explains why I’ve never heard of it. Mcsweeney’s is way out of my cool league.

HOPEFULLY, one day, I will be cool enough that my cool friends will stop throwing rocks at me and tell me about cool things like this. Sigh.




Filed under indiedance

glitter paint and all


It’s not usually our business to post mixes put together by people wearing face paint but then, I guess, there is always the exception. And that exception is TELEPATHE.

Although wearing glittery face paint and being in an indy band from Brooklyn may not be the most original venture, Telepathe’s music will get the party started EVERY TIME. And this mixtape they put together as a SXSW HORS D’OEUVRE is a special treat teeming with the flavors of BONE THUGS, J DILLA and WARRIOR QUEEN.

We hope this teaches you kids out there not to discriminate. It’s not nice. And you’ll probably miss out on beats, too.


(partial tracklist)

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Filed under indiedance